Punch® launches into the USA

Punch® launches into the USA

Boxing Gloves USA

If you’re in the USA and have been looking for our boxing gloves, we have launched a dedicated website just for you.

Check it out here: www.boxingglovesonline.com

We’re focusing on our best selling boxing gloves, boxing pads and hand wraps.

AAA Range available

We have included our best selling boxing gloves from Australia:

Trophy Getters® Commercial Boxing Gloves + Free Wraps
Armadillo™ Safety Boxing Gloves + Free Wraps
Black Diamond™ Thai Boxing Gloves + Free Wraps
Special™ 16 oz Boxing Gloves + Free Wraps
Mexican Fuerte Elite Boxing Gloves (16 oz) + Free Wraps
Competition Boxing Gloves – Lace Ups + Free Wraps
GX Hybrid Punchfit® Boxing Gloves/Pads + Free Wraps
Coach Boxing Gloves/Pads + Free Wraps


We ship directly from our Gold Coast Warehouse to the USA and surrounding countries. The shipping time will generally take 6-15 business days using standard delivery. Or you can select express shipping to receive your purchase in half the time.


Punch® will be attending IHRSA 2018 and would love to see you there. The tradeshow is located in San Diego and runs from the 22nd March to the 23rd.